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3 курс

(ћатериалы предоставлены »риной, студенткой Ќ√Ћ”)

The book: A Graded English Course, 3th year NN.,1997




1.To hum Ц to sing with closed lips

2.Movement Ц a part of piece of music

3.A jukebox Ц a coin-operated record-player

4.Pop music

5.Classical music

6.To learn the guitar (the piano, the violin, etc.)

7.To play with a small group

8.HeТd seen them on their first big tour

9.Their music is a combination of Е.

10.Record Ц кассета

11.One evening he was playing their latest called УЕ..Ф in his room Ц однажды вечером он проигрывал (на магнитофоне) их последний хит в своей комнате

12.to get on smb.Тs nerves

13. Turn it off! Ц ¬ыключи это!

14.to put a record on Ц включать кассету

15. to be very musical

16. to play a violin in a local string quartet

17. to go to many classical concerts

18. to get restless Ц уставать

19. How many more are there? (movements in the Symphony)

20. ItТs got no beat, no excitement

21. You canТt dance to it, you canТt sing it

22. ignorant Ц неосведомленный, невежественный

23. ItТs some of the greatest music ever made

24. musical instruments

25. to owe oneТs love of serious music to Ц быть об¤занным своей любовью к серьезной музыке (кому-либо)

26. to like Ц to resent (Anton.)

27. piano music

28. a record Ц a cassette

29. creations Ц создани¤ (творческие)

30. odd Ц лишний

31. The Moonlight Sonata

32. The Heroic Symphony

33. The Pastoral

34. The Emperor Concerto

35. my personal understanding of music

36. the emotions the music evokes in me

37. scullion Ц boy or man who did rough work in the kitchen

38. rampart Ц defence, protection

39. a musical accompaniment

40. It heightens the general aesthetic effect of the poem

41. everlasting beauty of music/ singing Ц вечна¤ красота музыки/пени¤

42. The QueenТs Hall, the Albert Hall. The word УconcertФ is usually omitted in proper names.

43. Orchestra is used for classical music, light music, and fairly often for jazz too, although band is the traditional term.

e.g. symphony/ chamber/ light/ jazz/ string/ variety orchestra

44. Band is used for:

- jazz, esp. traditional jazz

  e.g. a jazz band

  Big band often occurs in connection with traditional jazz

-         a group consisting only of brass instruments

e.g. a brass band Ц духовой оркестр

This may be a military band, or one composed of amateurs, who play for recreation

-         a group playing dance music

e.g. a dance band

Band is the traditional word fir a group of musicians playing in a dance-hall or restaurant. If it is pop music. However, group tends to be used instead.


Group generally refers to folk or pop music:

e.g. folk/ pop group


Ensemble is smaller than an orchestra, but bigger than a quartet. It generally refers to classical music and occurs mainly in proper names.

e.g.  The London Harpsichord Ensemble


45. Harpsichord Ц клавикорды, клавесин

46. to have the makings of Ц иметь задатки чего-либо

      to reveal the makings of Ц открывать, обнаруживать задатки

47. gifted/ promising/ born/ talented (одаренный, подающий надежды, прирожденный, талантливый)

48. to be hard up Ц быть в стесненном, трудном положении

49. to go a long way Ц пройти долгий путь (например в искусстве)

50. to patronize smb. Ц покровительствовать кому-либо

51. to give rise to smth. Ц вызывать что-либо, давать повод к чему-либо

52. to inspire smb. to smth. Ц вдохновл¤ть

53. to lose hearing

      his hearing failed him

54. to befall smb. Ц случатьс¤ с кем-либо

55. to give way to smth. Цуступать чему-либо, предаватьс¤ чему-либо

56. to evoke Ц вызывать, пробуждать (чувства, и т.п.)

57. plausible Ц seeming to be right & reasonable (веро¤тный)

58. benign Ц kind & gentle

59. tranquil Ц calm, quiet

60. to cease Ц to stop

61. to espy Ц to catch sight of

62. alliteration Ц repetition of a sound (повторение звука)

63. recreation Ц развлечение, отдых

64. to put smb. down = to humiliate

65. to leave smth. forever = to give up

66. to stop playing = to cease playing

67. to applaud = to clap

68. to be clean above oneТs head = to be absolutely beyond someone

69. it makes me indignant (это мен¤ возмущает) = I resent pop-music (¤ возмущен поп-музыкой)

70. eager Ц увлеченный

71. to join in the applause Ц присоединитьс¤ к аплодисментам

72. without music Ц без нот

73. is led by = is conducted by

74. a smash hit = very popular

75. to play an encore Ц играть на бис

76. to announce to the large audience what he was going to play

77. his fingers seemed to fly over the keys

78. to put oneТs hands over the keys

79. to run oneТs hands over the keys

80. to arrange the concert tour

81. they went so fast (об игре на пианино, например о руках)

82. they hardly seemed to touch them

83. it takes great skill Ц это требует большого мастерства 

My favourite composer. Ludwig van Beethoven.


Sweet sounds, oh beautiful music, do not cease!
Reject me not into the world again
With you alone is excellence and peace,
Mankind made plausible, his purpose plain.

E. St. Vincent Millay


There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like the piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument. As for me I neither play any musical instruments nor sing, and yet I think IТm rather musical. As a matter of fact my mother is a pianist so music has always been part and parcel in our family. I still remember the sounds of HaydnТs minuets, ChopinТs waltzes, MozartТs concertos, BeethovenТs sonatas slithering and shattering over our flat. Since then classical music has completely come into my life. But at all times I was mostly enraptured with Beethoven and his compositions.

Ludwig van Beethoven - a famous German composer, one of the greatest composers of the world, a piano player and a conductor was born in 1770 in Bonn. Despite his difficult life particularly hearing disorders developing into deafness Beethoven became the most prominent symphonist, a creator of a heroic style in music, which has most clearly shown the principals of the Vienna classical school and opened the way to German musical romanticism. The philosophical ideas modern to Beethoven including the ideas of the great French revolution, were reflected in his creative work. His 3rd (УEroicaФ), 5th and 9th  (УChoralФ after ShillerТs УOde to joyФ) symphonies, overtures УKoriolanФ, УEgmontФ, УLeonoraФ є2 and є3, opera УFidellioФ are truly heroic. Beethoven is the author of 32 sonatas for a piano, 10 sonatas for a violin and a piano, 16 string quartettes, 4 trio for stringed instruments, 5 piano concerts, a concert for a violin, triple concert for a piano, violin and Сcello and other variations for different instruments. He had extended the frames of a sonata-symphonic form and deepened the contents of the chamber Ц instrumental and vocal music of a concert manner.

As for my personal understanding of BeethovenТs music, I can say that every time IТm going to listen to one of his compositions I think itТll probably be clean above my head. But as a rule it is always some time before I make much out of it. BeethovenТs music evokes a good deal of various emotions in me. Sometimes I feel IТm just about to shout at the splendour of his music. The sounds in a rich unison are sweeping on, and I feel as if I were ten feet high and had a thousand years to live. But in a minute or two this glory of sound disappears and there is muddle and gloom. Thus while BeethovenТs musical style is always recognizable it is never predictable.

Sometimes his sound scale is soft and sad, sometimes it is quiet and happy. Another time great mournful sounds come reeling out, like doomed giants. They can be muffled and doleful, squeaking and rushing at the same time. But the tone values, the pure musical colouring are superb!

BeethovenТs compositions are characterized by an unusual external magnificence and the presence of the huge orchestral and choral strength. Such common human feelings as suffering and hope are expressed in his compositions. Or quite on the contrary, they are full of graceful impulses of joy and ideas of the greatness of the universe.

To sum it up IТd like to say that I owe my love of serious music to my mother and IТm so much grateful to her that once she gave me a chance to come closer to BeethovenТs music, marvelous and stunning, which still inspires me and makes my heart beat faster!



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