онтрольна¤ работа

 “еоретическа¤ фонетика

текст:James Herbert УPortentФ

(pp. 22-23;  pp. 148-149)

Ќекоторые фонетические символы могут не отображатьс¤,
поскольку требуют установки специальных фонетических шрифтов.
ѕроставьте их сами или напишите мне, ¤ вышлю шрифты.


ЂCoffee, Doc?ї

ЂUh?ї James Rivers turned from the small window, his thoughts still on interesting cloud formations, mainly cumulonimbus, in the distance.

The stocky, mustachioed man leaning over him raised the beaker he was holding an inch or so. ЂCoffee. Gonna be your last chance before the shit hits us.ї

Rivers nodded and took the plastic beaker from Gardenia, wincing as the hot liquid burned through to his fingers. He sipped quickly, then switched hands, managing a smile as he did so. The bastard was still having fun with him.

ЂWhat altitude are we going in at? ї he asked loudly enough to be heard over the droning of the aircraftТs four engines.

ЂHavenТt decided yet, ї the other man replied, taking a glance at the monitors ranged in front of Rivers. ЂIТd kinda like to go in low, say 5,000 - weТd get more info that way - but I guess itТs up to the pilot. Ten thousand would be a lot safer. HowТs your stomach? ї

ЂItТll take whatever you decide. ї

Gardenia scratched his balding head. ЂWeТve had some bad ones over the past few years - Hurricane Gilbert was the first of them back in Т88 Ц but this oneТs heading up to be the worst. Check those readings.Ф He stretched over the narrow desk to peer through the double-layered polycarbonate windows, forcing Rivers to press back into his seat.

УSurface wind looks to be eighty or ninety knots right now.Ф GardeniaТs eyes squinted through thick, horn-rimmed glasses. УThatТs soon gonna change, though. Hey, what has three humps and sings УStormy WeatherФ through its asshole?Ф

Rivers shook his head, although he had an idea what the answer would be; these jokes had been doing the rounds for two years now, ever since the disaster.

УAn Iraqi camel.Ф Gardenia clucked his tongue, as if embarrassing himself. УYeah, I know, bad taste. But the crazy bastards shouldna messed with things they didnТt understand, Сspecially after they got the crap beat outa them in the war. Jeez, take a look at that up ahead. DonТt hold onta that coffee too long, Doc, or youТll end up with a hot pecker. WeТre in for a bumpy ride.Ф

Rivers looked past Gardenia at the distant weather. The clouds were even blacker and more angry that a minute ago. They moved as though they were boiling.


Something splattered heavily to the ground between her Bug and the offensive Chevy pick-up, its dull mushy force breaking through the rapture. She had jumped in her seat.

She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud. Texas Straw Hat was leaning out further and looking behind to see, the noise heard even over Tanya Tucker. Together they gawked at the space between vehicles.

It appeared that a block of ice had fallen to the ground and smashed itself into little pieces.

They looked up at each other, both leer and animosity vanquished by their surprise.

УMusta been from a plane,Ф the cowboy said in what had to have been a studied drawl. УI heard Сbout thet kinda thang.Ф He peered up at the sky, searching for the miscreant aircraft. УComes from theyar jahnsЕФ

Tina had not followed his gaze; she had turned back to the vibrant light. But it had gone, disappeared.

She sighed with disappointment. What had it been? A ball of electric is all. No, a dancinТ star, she preferred to think, a good omen. Twinkle, twinkleЕ


She had jumped in her seat again. A different kind of noise this time, a more of a Е more of a splatt!

Tina mouthed another little Уoh!Ф when she spotted the straw stetson on her passenger seat and the Texas cowboyТs broken head dangling against the side of the pick-upТs door, a single stream of blood dribbling from it. His good buggy was tugging at his shoulder, unsure of what had happened, only wondering why his partner was slumped out of the window like some damn drunken fool.

УCТmon, Carl, letТs git movinТ.Ф

No good. Tina could tell by the bloodied dent in his head that olТ Carl was dead. Daid. The poor fool shoulda never left Texas or Arizona, or whatever fuckinТ cowpoke state he came from Сcos in LA heТd copped a headache he was never gonna get over.

She laughed and didnТt know why Ц it sure as hell wasnТt for the fun of it. Jesus, this guy was dead. Daid. Daid for sure. Her giggle turned into a sob. Oh shitЕ it was a worse one for himЕ

Something bashed into the sloping front of her car. Her eyes widened at the indentation it had left.

УOh GaaahdЕФ came a moan as the buddy discovered the problem with his partner.

And a loud scream from Tina as another block of ice smashed her windscreen. How many johns did this plane have?

More struck the Camaro that had just drawn alongside her.  

„асть 1.  јнализ интонационных стилей

  ¬ приведенном выше отрывке текста можно четко идентифицировать неформальный разговорный стиль и формальный стиль.

разговорный стиль

1) IТd kinda like to go in low, say 5,000 - weТd get more info that way - but I guess itТs up to the pilot. Ten thousand would be a lot safer. HowТs your stomach?

 2) УMusta been from a plane,Ф Е УI heard Сbout thet kinda thang.Ф Е УComes from theyar jahnsЕФ

УCТmon, Carl, letТs git movinТ.Ф

«десь можно видеть попытки автора передать неполное произношение, наличие акцента у говор¤щего персонажа.

»спользован сленг (john=toilet)

формальный стиль

1) Rivers shook his head, although he had an idea what the answer would be; these jokes had been doing the rounds for two years now, ever since the disaster.

2) Something splattered heavily to the ground between her Bug and the offensive Chevy pick-up, its dull mushy force breaking through the rapture. She had jumped in her seat.

Tina mouthed another little Уoh!Ф when she spotted the straw stetson on her passenger seat and the Texas cowboyТs broken head dangling against the side of the pick-upТs door, a single stream of blood dribbling from it.

јвтор использует формальный стиль дл¤ описани¤ событий, действий героев, избега¤ оценки обсто¤тельств со своей точки зрени¤.


научный стиль +

неформальный стиль

1) IТd kinda like to go in low, say 5,000 - weТd get more info that way - but I guess itТs up to the pilot. Ten thousand would be a lot safer. HowТs your stomach?

WeТve had some bad ones over the past few years - Hurricane Gilbert was the first of them back in Т88 Ц but this oneТs heading up to be the worst. Check those readings

јвтор прибегает к смешению стилей дл¤ описани¤ разговора между учеными-исследовател¤ми ураганов и в то же врем¤ довольно близкими друзь¤ми. ћожно видеть неформальные обращени¤, неполное произношение. » в то же врем¤ между персонажами идет обмен научной информацией


„асть 2. ‘ункции интонации

'Musta been from a plane Ц это должно было упасть с самолета (больше неоткуда)

Musta been from a 'plane Ц это должно быть упало с самолета (а не с крыши соседнего дома)

»зменение фразового ударени¤ изменило значение фразы.


Coffee, Doc?  Ц вопросительное предложение

Coffee, Doc.Ц утверждение

Coffee, Doc! Ц предостережение

»зменение интонационного контура  изменило коммуникативный тип предложени¤.


„асть 3.  онтрастна¤ и неконтрастна¤ дистрибуци¤


ѕримеры контрастной дистрибуции

1.        three [θri:] Ц tree [tri:]

2.        like [laik] Ц bike [baik]

3.        look [lυk] Ц book [bυk]

4.        hell [hel] Ц hall [h  l]

5.        had [h  d] Ц head [hed]

ѕримеры неконтрастной дистрибуции

а) дополнительна¤ дистрибуци¤

1.         straw [strr  :] Ц time [thaim] Ц twinkle [`towiŋk  l] Ц little [litll]

2.         twinkle [`twiŋk  l] Ц back [bækh]

б) свободна¤ вариаци¤

  1.      could tell [k  d tel] Ц could tell [k  :tel]

  2.      bad taste [bæd teist] Ц bad taste [bæ:teist]


„асть 4. ƒистинктивные и недистинктивные признаки гласных и согласных





Ќедистинктивные признаки





1.    горизонт. движение



2.    вертик. движение

Open / low


3.    позици¤ губ



4.    степень напр¤женности



5.    стабильн. артикул¤ции



6.    длительность



7.    характер конца звука





[wind   ]



1.    горизонт. движение



2.    вертик. движение

Close / high


3.    позици¤ губ



4.    степень напр¤женности



5.    стабильн. артикул¤ции



6.    длительность



7.    характер конца звука





[bi:k  ]


[  ]

1.     горизонт. движение



2.     вертик. движение

Mid-open / mid


3.     позици¤ губ



4.     степень напр¤женности



5.     стабильн. артикул¤ции



6.     длительность



7.     характер конца звука







Ќедистинктивные признаки


[`inf    ]



1.    активный орган речи



2.    располож. преграды



3.    сила артикул¤ции



4.    положен. м. нЄба



5.    способ образ. шума



6.    работа голос. св¤зок








1.    активный орган речи



2.    располож. преграды



3.    сила артикул¤ции



4.    положен. м. нЄба



5.    способ образ. шума



6.    работа голос. св¤зок





[`st  m  k]



1.    активный орган речи



2.    располож. преграды



3.    сила артикул¤ции



4.    положен. м. нЄба



5.    способ образ. шума



6.    работа голос. св¤зок




„асть 5. “ранскрипци¤ с учетом разных стандартов произношени¤


ItТll take whatever you decide

                                            RP:     [`itl teik w  t`ev    ju: di`said]

                                         AmE:     [`itl teik w  :t`ev  r ju: di`said]

   Northern accents (Newcastle):     [`itl te:k w  :t`ev   ju: di`sεid]


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