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ƒополнительные  материалы
3 курс

(ћатериалы предоставлены »риной, студенткой Ќ√Ћ”)

The book: A Graded English Course, 3th year NN.,1997



Seats in the theatre:

  1. the  stalls Ц партер

  2. the circle Ц ¤рус

  3. dress circle Ц бельэтаж

  4. upper circle Ц балкон

  5. the pit Ц последние р¤ды партера

  6. the gallery Ц галерка

  7. box Ц ложа


Other vocabulary:

  1. revue Ц обозрение

  2. celebrated Ц знаменитый

  3. scenery Ц декорации

  4. lavish scale Цщедрый масштаб


The vocabulary for the text ЂAppraising An Actressї:

  1. India Ц rubber face Ц лицо, на котором все написано

  2. a rotten part Ц противна¤ роль

  3. timing Ц скорость говорени¤, ритм

  4. to come down to brass tacks Цперейти к главному

  5. twopenny Ц halfpenny (tapni- heipni) Цдешева¤( роль)

  6. to work oneТs guts Ц прилагать огромные усили¤

  7. a call- boy Ц мальчик, приглашающий актеров на сцену

  8. a stage- hand Ц рабочий сцены

  9. a stage Ц manager - режиссер

  10. an actor Ц актер

  11. a publicity man Ц агент по рекламе

  12. a theatre director Ц главный режиссер, директор тетра

  13. a critic Цкритик

  14. to appraise Ц оценивать

  15. every now & then Ц врем¤ от времени

  16. to take smb. for  smb. else Цпринимать кого- либо за кого- то другого


The vocabulary for the text Ђ A Broadcast Talkї:

1.      The action is confined to Ц действие приковано к Е

2.      The production is concerned withЕ- главное внимание постановки уделеноЕ

3.      to dabble in smth.- заниматьс¤ чем-либо поверхностно, любительски

4.      bland Цм¤гкий, вкрадчивый, успокаивающий

5.      to turn up in due course Цобъ¤витьс¤ в свое врем¤

6.      to show a remarkable talent for smth.

7.      implicit Цподразумеваемый

8.      the success of the play derives largerly from Ц успех пьесы об¤зан Е.в основномЕ

9.      to prod the audience into doing smth. Ц подстрекать публику к чему-либо

10.  bluff Ц грубовато-добродушный

11.  the high Цlight of the play Цкульминаци¤ пьесы

12.  to seize the imagination of the audience

13.  resignation Ц (зд. )покорность

14.  she is a delight to watch

15.  to handle a role with unfaltering deftness Циграть роль решительно и ловко

16.  an accomplished actress Ц искусна¤ актриса



Ј        The author has an extreme talent for dialogues. They are entertaining, witty, not too sparkling to attract all the attention on itТs own.

Ј        ItТs written very smoothly & the audienceТs attention is focused on the care with which the play has been put together



(over the text Ђ Ideal Interviews With Our Greatest Actorї)

-         to be oblivious of Ц забывчивый, не помн¤щий, забывающий;

-         to peer into Цвгл¤дыватьс¤ в

-         to seek (+ infinitive) Цстаратьс¤, пытатьс¤

-         to fathom Ц проникнуть (вникнуть), пон¤ть

-         unfathomable Ц непостижимый

-         carbon Цугольный

-         at oneТs elbow Ц под рукой; р¤дом

-         weariness Цутомление, усталость

-         posterity Цпотомство

-         fame Цслава, известность

-         briskly  - оживленно

-         conception Цпонимание

-         to render Цисполн¤ть роль, трактовать

-         soliloquy Цмонолог

-         rapture Цвосторг

-         to go a long way Цпойти далеко

-         to overshadow Цзатмевать

-         to come up to oneТs standard Цдоходить до чьего- либо уровн¤

-         to have one in fits Цпоразить кого- либо

-         a  grand character actor Ц актер главной роли

-         to think much of the play

-         to be beyond oneТs expectations Цпревзойти чьи-либо ожидани¤

-         to run the play & the cast down Цизничтожить пьесу и исполнительный состав

-         touching Цтрогательный

-         indignant Цвозмущенный

-         assuming Цвысокомерный


 To start with, I canТt say IТm a passionate theatre-goer  and IТd rather prefer going to the cinema than going to a theatre. And my favourite actor is rather a cinema-star than a famous theatre actor. Though I think heТs in the cast of one of the  famous Moscow theatres. Andrey Myagkov, the actor I admire, is well-known and stars in many Russian films and performances, I suppose. One of my adorable films with his leading is УIrony Of FateФ. First of all he has a particular appearance an actor can dream of. He has an India-rubber face, which can show any emotion and assume any expression. And of course IТm just filled with admiration for his actorТs talent and virtuosity. No doubt, theyТre beyond description. By his acting, Myagkov always makes me believe everything he does and says. Handling his roles with unfaltering deftness, he always seizes the imagination of the audience.  He penetrates deeply into the inner world of his character, he lives by him, he feels his character. In other words, he gets a deep insight into him. To add to this IТm always carried away by his manner of speaking. Indeed, his speech is perfect as well as his timing and he has it by nature. Playing with miraculous virtuosity, he treats his character convincingly and touches upon important problems. He always gives an original interpretation of his roles. His characters are so vivid, emotional and real that one can think him to be a master of psychological analysis. He is always at ease on the stage. ThatТs what I like most about this actor and his playing. To my mind, every picture with his leading is always first Ц rate from beginning to end.

There is an important fact about him that should be mentioned, I suppose. Despite all the aforesaid merits of this actor, he is not spoilt by the attention and glamour. And I think it should be said in all fairness that the success of any picture with MyagkovТs leading derives largely from his remarkable talent for acting.

 And sometimes it seems that even the author of the play he leads in is about to appear in this celebrated actor.

To round my story off, I can say that MyagkovТs acting always produces a lasting impression on me and I enjoy every bit of the picture with his leading. He is always a delight to watch.

   Speaking of the actor I donТt like I donТt want to castigate him. In this connection IТd like to speak about our great Russian actor Konstantin Raykin. A lot of people of our country admire him, but I canТt say it about myself. Though IТm not saying I hate his acting, it doesnТt leave any impression with me. No doubt, he gets a deep insight into his character, but I think this actor to be too emotional, too vivid. Sometimes It seems to me that he tries to overshadow the rest of the cast. IТm sure he knows that he is considered to be a grand character actor, no wonder it spoils him. In other words he is spoilt by the attention & glamour. Maybe he is really a great actor but tastes differ. Just I donТt like him as a person, I donТt like his ugly appearance. Sometimes his behaviour and rude speech are out of place. Nevertheless heТs always at ease on the stage. ThatТs where I can stop I think.



To start with, I canТt say IТm a passionate theatre Ц goer and IТd rather go to the cinema than go to a theatre. However, IТll never forget my first visit to Kirov Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet in St. Petersburg. УSwan LakeФ, a famous  ballet by P.Tchaykovsky, was on. I knew the plot very well; I also knew some pieces of music from the ballet (УSmall SwanТs DanceФ). I suppose itТs known to everybody. During the performance I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The production of the ballet was so superb that it made the audience think it had been a splendid direction. It was the finest production of the ballet IТve ever seen. As for the scenery, it was perfect, no doubt. And to my mind, it contributed much to the success of the ballet. The light and sound effects were impressive. Speaking of the costumes they were extremely fine and the music was thrilling. In a word, the ballet itself was splendid and seemed to me a fairy Ц tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. No wonder, the audience burst into applause. IТd like to admit that the company engaged into the production was marvelous, indeed.

         There was  a certain amount of new choreography, so the dancing was inspired. The audience admired the beauty and skill of the star female dancer and the athletic ability and charm of her male partner. To cut a long story short, I can say that the ballet was first Ц rate from beginning to end and it left a lasting impression with me. I enjoyed it greatly.


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