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Дополнительные  материалы
4 курс

(Материалы предоставлены Ириной, студенткой НГЛУ)




Trainee – проходящий подготовку, обучение, тренировку: teacher-trainee

To look at such burning problems as drug and alcohol addiction, AIDS and others.

Vital problems – жизненные проблемы

Ecological threat – экологическая угроза

Ozone depletion – [i] – озоновое истощение

Drug-users and alcoholics

To drink to death – пить до смерти ( об  употреблении алкоголя)

Addict – наркоман

To sink rapidly into degradation – впадать (погружатьсяв деградацию

To be inevitably lost to society – быть неизбежно потерянным для общества

Drug and alcohol abuse is tragically destructive

To ruin health – разрушать здоровье

To produce insensibility – производить равнодушие, бесчувственность

Apathy – безразличие, апатия

Frustration – крушение

To lead to crime and suicide

A frightening increase in the number of suicidal teens

The pressures are too much to bear

The availability of drugs and alcohol

To choose to end one’s life

To be more of a social vice

To turn into desperate good-for-nothing creatures

To be doomed to die from an overdose

To be killed in drug wars

To get the money to buy the stuff

Intoxicants: pain killers and other chemicals

Abominable mixtures – отвратительные смеси

To chew, to inhale and to smoke

To produce a state of euphoria- производить эффект эйфории

It is nothing but hair-raising lunacy – это ничто другое как шевелящее волосы безумие, сумасшествие

The distortion of the eternal conceptions of right and wrong

Low cultural standards

Social injustice – общественная несправедливость

The future has nothing good in store for us

A gloomy prospect

A world of barbarians and morons – мир варваров и слабоумных

A call to be cautious – призыв быть осмотрительными

To prevent these ghastly things from spreading

To enlighten your pupils and their parents

That’s where the shoe pinches

It is their overindulgence and severity, strict supervision and total negligence that throw the young in the abyss

To develop various complexes

To have psychiatric problems

To take to drugs or alcohol

Drug-users belong to the so-called high risk-group for catching AIDS

To help spread AIDS through dirty syringes

AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

It is caused by a virus that weakens people so much that they become sick

HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

AIDS is the plague of the twentieth century

A global epidemic

To spread disastrously – распространяться катастрофически

No cure has been found as yet

To develop the so-called AIDS-phobia

To spread through sexual contact

To use dirty needles to take drugs

To receive blood from a person who has HIV

Through the exchange of body fluids

AIDS is not believed to spread through touch ways: handshakes, mosquitoes, cats, sweat and saliva

To prevent the infection from spreading

An association for combating AIDS

To test people for AIDS

Each person should be cautious

It’s necessary to avoid casual love-affairs

Hygiene and marital fidelity may save one from getting infected

To cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s actions

For the most part your health is up to you

To employ certain restraints in your life style

Moderation and ultimately elimination – воздержание и в конце концов исключение

Outing – загородная прогулка

Pernicious influence of the world – пагубное влияние мира


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