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The Rainbow

D. H. Lawrence



D.H.Lawrence is one of the most prominent writers of the early 20th century, a master of psychological novels. УThe RainbowФ is an innovative work spanning three generations of the Brangwen family. In this dark, brooding novel Lawrence depicts the passions involved in their everyday lives.

The scene is laid in Beldover, the county of Nottingham. The main character of the extract, IТd rather say of the whole novel, is Ursula Brangwen. She breaks off her engagement with Anton Skrebensky, the man she was once in love with, she finds out that she is going to have a baby from him. She writes him a letter in order to renew their engagement. But one day she decides to take a walk and think everything over. A terrible accident happens to her: a herd of wild horses attacks her. She is almost unconscious; and she feels badly for a fortnight. She loses her child and gets the answer from Anton . He informs her that he is married. She is glad that everything has turned out in that way. She grows better and feels herself renewed. And she sees the Rainbow standing over the earth and a lot of new thoughts of her own life capture her.

I find this episode very psychological and involving. This episode lets us see the inner world of the main character, her fears and her problems. It lets us to understand her better.

I can divide the extract into two parts. The first one, concerning the accident, is very expressive and descriptive. And the second one, when Ursula watches the Rainbow standing over the earth and remains alone with her sensations, feelings, and thoughts.    

This episode is a good combination of reflection, meditation and description. There is an inner monologue of the protagonist. Such combination of many different styles in this episode testifies incomparable LawrenceТs skills as a talented writer. The authorТs language is expressive and colourful when he gives descriptions.

The composition is quite logical: the exposition comes first, then comes climatic episode, and then does outcome.

The plot develops rather rapidly.

Speaking of the linguistic peculiarities, the author uses a lot of sharp short questions. Surely, it imparts more expressiveness to the extract.

In the first part of the episode the author shows us the conflict of the type УMan against himselfФ. We can see that Ursula is fighting against herself. She is going to have a baby and she wants this baby. But it forces her to marry Anton. She wants to create a family for the child. But at the same time she understands that there will be no success in this marriage. Anton and she are so different. They have different values.

 She is a lost sole, a free spirit wandering around trying to  find a meaning in life.

He has no depth, Уno soulФ a superficial man playing with the idea of love but never actually feeling the sensitivity of it.

I donТt know fortunately or not but she loses her child and sets herself free from this obligation.

 In the second part of the episode, Ursula watches the Rainbow. And she realizes that it symbolizes the УarchФ or the circle of life that the characters themselves actually form. And it arch of the Rainbow is one separate family within one large Brangwen family. This is where Ursula finds that she is a part of this arch with her family and she realizes that she does posses many of her familiesТ traits, and she can accept it and complete the arc.

I suppose that the author wanted to show us that long way full of difficulties and barriers that a person should overcome in order to find his place in life, his certain place and purpose. 



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