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Задания к контрольным работам
5 курс

(2002 год, зимняя сессия)

The book: A Graded English Course, 5th year NN.,1996


CONTROL WORK 1  Man and Higher Education

1.  Text "The Way It S'posed to Be" by James Herndon, pp. 11-21

1) LA-2 (4; 5; 9-a) pp. 18-19

2) WS-1; 5 pp. 19-20

3) WS-7 (F) p. 21

2.  Text "Deeper than Shame" by C.P. Snow, pp. 22-29

4) Answer the questions in ex. LA-2 pp. 27-29 orally and on the basis of your answers write about what kind of person Jago was, what feelings he aroused in the people who surrounded him

5) What is the main idea of the story? (please, remember that the main idea is usually formulated in a sentence or set of sentences and is of a generalizing sort)


CONTROL WORK 2  Man and Education: Man and Government

1 Text "Красивый мальчик" pp. 78-80. Render the article in writing (1,5 page)

2. Using the topical vocabulary write a mini-essay (1,5-2 pages) on the topic "The Purpose of Education as I See It"

3.  Text "Seven Days in May" by F. Knebel and Ch. Bailey, pp. 112-121

1) LA-4 (4; 5) p. 118. Answer the questions in an ample way

2) AA-1  p. 119

3) WS-2; 3; 6  pp. 120-121


CONTROL WORK 3   Man and Government

1Text "Буду ли я губернатором" p. 137. Render the article in writing (1,5 page)

2. Text "Running for Governor" by M. Twain.

1) LA-2 (4) pp. 152-153. Use the words in a situation of your own

2) WS-1; 3; 4  p. 153

3Discussion point 1 , p. 155. Write a mini-essay (1,5-2 pages)


CONTROL WORK 4  ( Based on the SET-BOOK)

1Give the plot of the set-book (3 pages)

2. Describe the personage you liked best in the book. Dwell on his/her character and appearance. Explain your preference (1,5 page)

3Do a complete interpretation of a chapter (the way you interpreted the stories in the 4th year).


Задания к контрольным работам
5 курс

(2002 год, весенняя сессия)

The book: A Graded English Course, 5th year NN.,1996


CONTROL WORK 5  Man and War

1.  Text "In High Places" by A. Hailey, pp. 197-200

1) LA-3 p. 201

2) WS-5 p. 202

        Use the words of exercises 2 and 5 in the summary of the text (1 page)

3) WS-8 (c), p. 203

4) RA-3, p. 204

2 Text "Death of a Hero" (extract 1) R. Aldington, pp. 206-208

Answer the questions:
What are the peculiarities of the text that make the story involving? (the events described; the characters portrayed; the problems posed; the way the composition is arranged; the style of the narration in general etc.) Give the general assessment.

3LA-2 (6), p. 208


CONTROL WORK 6  Man and War: Man and Nature

1Text "Death of a Hero" (extract 2) R. Aldington, pp. 210-212

Answer the questions:
What’s the main idea of the text? Why does the author resort to the description of the battle scene to render this idea? (1 page)

2.  Text "Tribute" by A. Coppard, pp. 222-225

1) MA-7, p. 226.

Man and Nature

3.  Text "Overload" by A. Hailey, pp. 247-250

1) LA-2,  p. 251

2) LA-5 (1),  p. 252

3) WS-2,  p. 253


CONTROL WORK 7   Man and Nature

1Text "Overload" by A. Hailey, pp. 257-261

1) LA-2 (6; 12) pp. 262-263.

2) Answer the questions:

What is your general impression of the extract? What do you think it is caused by?
How does the language of the story contribute to the feeling you get? How can you characterize the composition of the story (is it traditional, jumbled)?
How do the stylistic devices the author employs help him render the ideas? (first give the idea, quote the text, give the stylistic term, expand on the idea saying HOW the device emphasizes the idea; give some 3 – 4 examples)
(2 pages)

3) FA (3), p. 263 (1 page)

4) "Озоновая дыра над планетой растет" pp. 270-271. Pender the article in writing (1 page)


CONTROL WORK 8  ( Based on the SET-BOOK)

1Give the plot of the set-book (3 pages)

2Do a complete interpretation of a chapter (a passage) from the book. This time your analysis should contain stylistic commentary. Follow the above mentioned plan of comment. Your comments should support the ideas you put forward, not the other way round. Please, remember that stylistic analysis COMES AS SUPPORT to the SENSE interpretation, don't go too deep into styles .


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